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INSIGHT Inventory
Ideal Uses
Research & Validity

Facilitator's Tool Kit
Quick-Start Guide
PowerPoint® Slides
Training DVD

Program Outlines
Personality Testing
Managing Teen Stress
Teen Communication
Communication Skills
Team Building
Building Self-Esteem
Career Planning
Youth Leadership Skills
Youth Group Activity

Student | Teen Program Outline

Program Title: Psychology and Self-Improvement
Setting (example): High School Psychology Class
Goal: Understanding personality testing
Tool: Student | Teen INSIGHT Inventory

Mr. Shepley, a psychology teacher, wanted to teach his students about personality testing but was frustrated with the material he had to work with. He felt that discussing different tests and techniques used terms that were not only difficult to understand but worse, they could easily be misunderstood by both students and their parents.

Mr. Shepley discovered the Student/Teen INSIGHT Inventory personality assessment. The Inventory had three things that he felt were so important.

  • The Inventory used positive language
  • It was built on identifying the students’ strengths
  • It could be taken and scored in the classroom

Mr. Shepley set aside two class hours for discussion and using the INSIGHT Inventory he made a positive and comprehensive lesson plan.

  • Hour One: An overview of the history of personality testing and the students would complete and score the INSIGHT Inventory.

  • Hour Two: The students learn about their results by watching the video. Students break into small groups and complete selected discussion activities and work on skill-building exercises.

Using the INSIGHT Inventory and two hours of guided instruction, students can learn valuable information about themselves and others based on a positive assessment of their strengths.

Student | Teen INSIGHT Inventory

Self-scoring assessment
8-page interpretive booklet
Normed & validated
Developed by a Ph.D.

Facilitator's Tool Kit

Quick-Start Guide PowerPoint® Slides Training DVD