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INSIGHT Inventory
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Facilitator's Tool Kit
Quick-Start Guide
PowerPoint® Slides
Training DVD

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Personality Testing
Managing Teen Stress
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Communication Skills
Team Building
Building Self-Esteem
Career Planning
Youth Leadership Skills
Youth Group Activity

Student | Teen Program Outline

Program: Church Youth Group Activity
Setting (example): Fellowship Church Youth Group
Goal: Seeing the best in others
Tool: Student | Teen INSIGHT Inventory

The Fellowship Community Church had a strong commitment to youth development but weekly attendance was slipping. When asked, some of the absentee youth complained that the classes had become boring and didn’t have much to do with the ‘real issues’ they faced.

A new youth leader, Steve Cast decided to create a series of fast-paced, interactive classes. He wanted the classes to help the teens learn more about themselves and discover ways to link this with the spiritual teachings of the church.

The Student/Teen version of the INSIGHT Inventory was selected as a key part of a series of four weekly one-hour classes titled “Seeing Good in Ourselves and Others”.

Session 1 – The session opens with a discussion of the spiritual presence in all people and a debate about why people’s behavior is so different. The teens then completed and scored their INSIGHT Inventories and saw each other’s results. They have to return next week to hear the interpretation.

Session 2 – The youth group watched the Insight DVD and learned how their scores for the four measured traits reflect positive characteristics.

Session 3 – The focus was to identify the good in others; they did a strength bombardment discussion and gave each other feedback on their strengths and talents.

Session 4 – The group discussed ways to apply what they had learned about their own and other people’s styles. They identified ways to see and respect the strengths in all people without becoming judgmental.

The INSIGHT Inventory® is built on teaching people to see their own strengths as well as see other people’s strength. In this way, teens build self-respect as well as a respect for others, whether people are like them or different.

Student | Teen INSIGHT Inventory

Self-scoring assessment
8-page interpretive booklet
Normed & validated
Developed by a Ph.D.

Facilitator's Tool Kit

Quick-Start Guide PowerPoint® Slides Training DVD